3 Reasons to Host Events at a Coworking Space 在共享辦公空間舉辦活動的 3 個主要原因

As the holiday season approaches (already, we know!), now’s the time to start planning your corporate social events or end-of-year training sessions. Need a unique venue that offers more than just four walls? Consider booking a coworking event space! 隨著假期的臨近(我們已經知道了!),現在是開始規劃企業社交活動或年終培訓課程的時候了。需要一個不只是四面牆的獨特場地嗎?來考慮預約共享辦公活動空間吧! Here are our 3 KEY REASONS why coworking event spaces are the ideal venue:以下是 3 個共享活動空間為理想場所的主要原因:…