The work environment in Hong Kong is evolving rapidly, and businesses are seeking solutions to improve productivity, work capabilities and employee well-being.


Coworking spaces that only offer desks and chairs, or a private meeting room with complimentary coffee just simply aren’t enough.  So, how does Amphi Studios, a coworking space in Kwun Tong, go beyond coworking?
僅提供桌椅或免費咖啡的共享辦公空間根本不夠用。 那麼,Amphi Studios 如何超越共享辦公室呢?


We at Amphi Studios combine flexibility, wellness and productivity to support modern professionals and businesses in the following 5 key ways:
Amphi Studios 將靈活性、健康性和生產力相結合,透過以下 5 種主要方式為現代專業人士和企業提供支援:


1️⃣ Provide people with this workspace design to improve comfort and precautions

✅ Ergonomic office space – adjustable chairs, larger desks and lighting to reduce stress and fatigue. 符合人體工學的辦公空間-可調式座椅、特大的辦公桌和和諧照明,以減輕壓力和疲勞。

✅ Decentralized workspaces – a mix of quiet shared work areas, collaborative lounges and breakout spaces to support different work styles. 分區工作區-安靜的共享工作區域、協作休息室和休息空間的混合,以支援不同的工作風格。

✅ Green design-indoor green plants and natural elements create a calm and refreshing atmosphere, relaxing and energizing.  綠色設計-室內綠色植物和自然元素營造出平靜清新的氛圍,減輕壓力。


2️⃣Flexible work arrangements to support work-life balance

🚀 Provide mobile desks and private offices on demand – penetrating the needs of adaptive workspace solution providers and hybrid teams. 按需要提供流動辦公桌和私人辦公室—透過適應性工作空間解決方案滿足遠距工作者和混合團隊的需求。

📅Flexible membership plans – choose by the hour, day or month, members can work according to their needs. 彈性的會員計畫-按小時、按天或按月選擇,讓員工依照自己的需要工作。

🌍 Remote collaboration support – high-speed Wi-Fi, video conferencing technology, and smart meeting rooms, for seamless hybrid work. 遠端協作支援-高速 Wi-Fi、視訊會議技術和智慧型會議室,實現無縫混合工作。


3️⃣ Wellness & Mental Health-Driven Initiatives

🧘‍♂️Onsite wellness programs – guided meditation sessions, yoga classes and workshops to reduce work stress. 現場健康計畫-引導式冥想課程、瑜珈課程和人體工學研討會,以減輕工作壓力。

🍵 Food & drink options—a selection of teas, Nespresso coffee and snacks to keep your energy levels high. 健康食品和飲料選擇—精選茶、Nespresso 咖啡和營養小吃,讓您保持高能量水平。

🌱 Green Quiet Zone – a dedicated space to focus, relaxation and creativity to prevent laziness. 綠色安靜區域-專門用於專注、放鬆和發揮創造力的色彩空間,以防止倦怠。


4️⃣Participation and collaboration in community activities

🤝Social Events – Regular meetups, industry talks, and professional development events to build meaningful connections. 社交活動-定期聚會、行業講座和專業發展活動,以建立有意義的聯繫。

🎨Creative and cultural experience-art activities, entrepreneurial culture sharing sessions and film tours to stimulate innovation.  創意與文化體驗-藝術活動、創業文化分享會和電影觀賞會,激發創新。

📚Skill-building workshops – leadership training, digital skills enhancement and business coaching to empower professionals. 技能建立研討會—領導力培訓、數位技能提升和商業指導,以增強專業人士的能力。


5️⃣Smart Technology Integration for Seamless Productivity

💡 24-hour reservation system – easily book meeting rooms and arrange workspaces through our website. 24小時預訂系統-透過官網輕鬆預訂會議室和安排工作空間。

📡 High-speed Internet & IT support – ensuring uninterrupted workflow for members & event space clients and their guests. 高速網路和 IT 支援-確保企業家、新創公司和企業團隊的工作流程不間斷。

🔒Secure & Private Work Areas – noise-reducing rooms and private offices – for confidential discussions and deep focus. 安全和私密的工作區域-隔音室和私人辦公室,可用於進行機密討論和深度專注。


By merging flexible workspace solutions with holistic wellbeing initiatives, Amphi Studios, a coworking space in Kwun Tong, creates an environment where professionals thrive both mentally and professionally.
Amphi Studios 將靈活的工作空間解決方案與整體健康計劃相結合,創造了一個讓專業人士在精神和職業上都能蓬勃發展的環境。


This integrated approach not only boosts productivity and creativity but also enhances employee satisfaction and retention—a key advantage for corporate businesses navigating Hong Kong’s fast-paced economy.


👉Ready to change the way you work?
準備好改變你的工作方式了嗎?探索 Amphi Studios 如何支援您的團隊成功!


📩 Book a visit now to experience the future of work at our coworking space in Kwun Tong.



Ready to amplify your potential? Book a tour of Amphi Studios today!
準備好發揮你的潛能了嗎?立即預約來 Amphi Studios 參觀!


Join our Amphi Loyalty Program and get access to special offers and discounts that make working at Amphi Studios even sweeter. 🎉

加入我們的會員計劃,享受特別優惠和折扣,讓在 Amphi Studios 裡工作更加甜蜜。 🎉


Amphi Studios’ Eventspace/ Other inquires:
Amphi Studios’ 有興趣租務/場地查詢:

+852 5318 9498 (Eason/馮生)

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Amphi Studios | Amplify Your Potential


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