Boosted with antioxidant-rich native Australian extracts and scented with refreshing citrus notes and a hint of mint, Botany® Native Flora Hand & Body Wash (500ml) will cleanse your skin gently but effectively. Our formula is a blend of mild, coconut-derived surfactants to wash away dirt and impurities without feeling stripped, leaving your skin clean, hydrated, and revitalized.
Botany® Native Flora 手部和身體乳液(500毫升) 注入了豐富維生素的澳洲本土萃取物, 並散發出盛放自然的細膩甜美香氣, 可深層滋潤您的肌膚, 且不會留下任何油膩殘留物。 我們獨特的輕盈配方富含滋養油, 可帶來奢華的體驗,讓您的肌膚柔軟、 光滑、 有彈性。
Lather a generous amount onto wet hands and body before rinsing thoroughly.
For best results, follow with Botany® Native Flora Hand & Body Lotion.
為了獲得最佳效果,請在沐浴後使用 Botany® Native Flora 洗手液和沐浴露。
-Deeply cleanses and gentle on skin
-Non-stripping and non-drying
-Antioxidant-rich to neutralise free radicals
-Australian native extracts with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
Suitable for dry, dehydrated, sensitive and normal skin. Suitable for everyday use.
Generally Botany® products have a shelf life of 1 to 3 years expiry from date of manufacture, printed on all products. Product life after opening (PAO symbol) is generally 6 – 12months from opening. As per product label, store below 30°C out of direct light and keep out of reach of children. Contamination from inappropriate use or storage should be avoided to maintain the integrity of the product.
一般情況下,Botany®產品的保存期限為 1 至 3 年,自生產日期起計算,所有產品上均印有生產日期。開封後產品保存期限(PAO 符號)一般為開封後 6 至 12 個月。根據產品標籤,存放在 30°C 以下,避免陽光直射,並放在兒童接觸不到的地方。應避免因不當使用或儲存而造成的污染,以維持產品的完整性。
You should always do a skin patch test prior to using any skin care product. In store testers are always readily available. Botany® products contain plant derived ingredients, and are pH balanced. In the unlikely event you have a reaction to any product rinse off with fresh water and cease using. Individuals with specific skin issues and sensitivity are best to seek medical advice prior to use.
在使用任何護膚產品之前,您應該始終進行皮膚斑貼測試。店內隨時備有測試人員。 Botany® 產品含有植物衍生成分,且 pH 值平衡。如果您對任何產品產生反應(這種情況不太可能發生),請用清水沖洗並停止使用。有特定皮膚問題和敏感性的人最好在使用前尋求醫療建議。
Botany® aims to bring you back to nature, using the best it has to offer to nourish your skin and hair.
Botany® 的目標是讓您回歸大自然,並利用自然的最佳資源滋養您的皮膚和頭髮。
Established in 1997 in Melbourne Australia, all Botany® products are 100% Australian Made using the best possible combination of natural and beneficial ingredients sourced ethically, harvested and processed without damaging the habitat.
Botany® 於 1997 年在澳洲墨爾本成立,所有 Botany® 產品均為 100% 澳洲製造,採用符合道德標準的天然和有益成分的最佳組合,並在不破壞棲息地的情況下收穫和加工。
Botany possesses international certifications include ISO 9001:2015 and GMP ISO 22716:2007.
國際認證包括 ISO 9001:2015 和 GMP ISO 22716:2007。
The brand is proud to provide the highest quality natural product on the market.
- Natural Plant Derived
- Australia Native Extracts
- 100% Pure Essential Oils
- Active Minerals and Salts
- Nourishing Carrier and Plant Oils
- Aloe Vera Enhanced
- Pure Waters and Hydrosols
- Vitamin Enriched
- pH Balanced
Botany 很自豪能夠提供市場上最高品質的天然產品。
- 天然植物萃取
- 澳洲本土萃取物
- 100% 純精油
- 活性礦物質和鹽
- 滋養載體和植物油
- 蘆薈增強版
- 純水和純露
- 富含維生素
- pH 平衡